10 May 2007

The new chore

A study found that after kids take out the trash and/or mow the lawn, they now have to help their parents with the internet. Check out these stats...

• Almost half in the study (47%) help because their parents are "clueless" online.
• Almost one-third (29%) report they need to help mom online because she doesn't have enough time.

Some of the kids help their moms with predictable tasks like comparison shopping, as well as unexpected activities such as online banking, tax preparation and family travel plans. The majority of the kids polled believe they had a positive influence on family activities by helping their Moms with online chores.

The top five online chores for 8-14 year olds:
• 38% share pictures & emails with relatives
• 38% get movie listings
• 36% invitations & party planning stuff
• 36% plan vacations/travel
• 35% get driving directions
• 14% helped their parents prepare their income tax return

I fully understand the need for help in a tech-savvy world, but there is no way that a teen should be given the internet family responsibility. The internet is hard enough for adults to navigate safely, but to put it in the hands of your child? A great resource for internet help.

1 comment:

My name is Steve said...

93% of all statistics are made up on the spot.