31 October 2008

UFO guy

1 comment:

The Letter J said...

AHAHAAHHAHAHAHHHHHHHAHAHHAHAHA!!!@!@!@!@!@!!! dude. funniest evAr! k, here are my footnotes:
a) "you know they got them lil' graves 'n stuff" ...uh, no, i don't know, but please don't tell me.
b) you go ahead and figure out where your going. but if its arizona, why would you expect to see Air Force One there? and when did AF1 "find all that stuff"? what are you talking about...er...dont answer that.
c) "i'm flyin' in a plane i'm always hallucinating" ...wait...what? how are you not dead?
d) "no little green men sir...they could be made out of water" ...did you just reference The Abyss?
e) "you know what im sayin?" ...im gonna say yes...but i really mean no.