Excuse me while I attempt to dust off the cobwebs and open this place back up. The blog has been a ghost town for just over a year, but it's time to start back up. There is too much to update since the last post so I will just jump right in. My family and I are loving Texas. We are also loving our church. We have added a puppy to our family, yes, literally a puppy. Both Glenda and I think we may have made an epic fail, but the kids absolutely love Trigger.
There really isn't any reason for the long leave of absence...just didn't feel like writing or sharing I guess. But in this season there has been a lot of learning. I am working through the sharing part. That part that helps solidify the learning process. The bring it home, accountability, I'm gonna do it part. It's not for the lack of learning, but the openness to share. I am learning so much about God, grace, myself, leading, and a variety of other "school of hard knocks" lessons.
Learning hasn't ever really been easy for me; just ask Glenda about college. Learning means being teachable. Being teachable is not easy. Teachability is critical to growing. There are a lot of times that I feel like I have fewer answers than I did 6 months or a year ago. Sometimes it's difficult to put the question into words, but the progress is there, I can tell.
This is what I have landed on recently...
- God is good. This is true regardless of my situation. This one is easier said than done.
- God is more about the relationship than rules. They both are necessary but the relationship has to come first.
- Grace is vital to growth. I have seen both sides of this coin. Live with grace.
- There is too much life to be lived to be messing with trivial things.
- If you aren't serving others you are missing out. Serving is life changing all across the board.
- Not having it figured out is ok. I am still trying to be ok with that.
There you have it... still digging through quite a bit, but that will be future blog posts. I'm interested to hear some of what you've been learning...
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