20 February 2007

Great Quote

"When the pain gets so bad that you're ready to quit you've set yourself up as someone with nothing to lose. And someone with nothing to lose has quite a bit of power. You can go for broke. Challenge authority. Attempt unattempted alternatives. Lean into the problem; lean so far that you might just lean right through it."

Seth Godin, author of The Dip (May 2007, Portfolio) as quoted on the Idea Sandbox (February 15, 2007) from Tony.


Paul (from Idea Sandbox) said...

Thanks for linking back to Idea Sandbox! I agree, that's a great quote. Seth's book is full of good nuggets like that.

Anonymous said...

you kind of only care about winning and making yourself look like the victim here, don't you? maybe this is the Lord's way of letting you off easy. maybe you should let God fight your battles instead of pushing your way through something that just might not be where you are supposed to be pushing. maybe you should die a little to self, maybe you should stop lieing to everyone. if you really loved those kids you wouldn't force them to be involved....but you don't, you don't truly care about anything other than your own image, which is crushed anyway, your arrogance just won't allow you to admit that.

goodnight, good luck, and my god have mercy on your soul for all of your deceit.

Rhoda said...

wow.ignorance. and it only feeds into what satan wants.

Lord, i pray that your hand would sweep over our church. i pray that your conviction would be evident. i pray that you would break down the walls that blind all of us. bring us to a place where we stop pointing fingers...where we stop listening to the he said she said...
bring us to a place where we look to You to heal our broken church. reveal the sins in our dirty sick hearts. bring us to our knees.

God, you are the good thrown into this dark world. take your light, and shine through the oppressive darkness.

Lord, bless our enemies.

satan, you are NOT welcome here.

Rhoda said...

by the way, amazing quote.

Anonymous said...

Dear readers of my sons blog. Realize this, this is HIS blog. He has the courage and intelligence to place his thoughts and observations here for anyone to come by and see.
What puzzles me is someone who anonymously chooses to whine and fuss.
I came across a great quote in one of my devotional books today.
I thought I'd be saving this great observation for a later time. It seems to be applicable now...

Judgments often are exposures of our own needs. The things we judge in others are often the things which are troubling us deeply within. Righteous indignation may be caused by something not so righteous in us. Something we have done or wished we had had the courage to do, something unresolved or unforgiven, something hidden or unhealed will cause the
judgment of someone else.

Whenever we are overly critical we should ask ourselves, “Why does that bother you?” There are some things which need to be questioned in loving concern for another person, but when our judgments are rash or emotional or severe, it usually indicates that part of the problem is still within us.

Unknown said...

its so sad that anonymous people feel they can throw up on blogs these days!! erik I always love reading your blog...always insightful and true...

just a lil tid bit for the unknown...u speak of images and how crushed peoples are...yet u don't even have a name...huh?? i know I'm a lil blonde and all but...come on...

Anonymous said...

funny, all of the response comments receive. if they're so ignorant and irrelevant, why take note of them?

my only thoughts for that quote are this...that if wait for total "rock bottom" to go against authority and test the waters, what does that say about the way we were previously living life? if we are going to be daring and 'out there', and if it's truly for Christ, we should be able to test the waters at any time.....not just when we have nothing to lose. this says to me that a person who would live by this has only been living life to please others and stay inside his or her set giudelines...not living life as a daring follower of Christ, with integrity...but a shallow person who only gives to people what they want to hear at that time and place, no real depth or satisfaction..just a coaster. a coward. someone who only test's the waters when there is nothing else to lose....what's the point? and it reveals the fact that that person was not sure enough in themselves and who they are in Christ to do such things...or their motives just weren't right.

i disagree with this quote...what a terrible way to live life.

Anonymous said...

Somebody just doesn't get it.

Anonymous said...

to "the father",

your manipulation will not work here. tip for life: get over yourself. if you don't soon enough someone is bound to help you through it. you need truth....terribly. it's sickening to see such things in the church; in the house of God, with His people. heart breaking, really. the way you use the authority God has given to you is very unfortunate. and God, not man, will take His justice for that matter.

Anonymous said...

so the anonymous person goes to church?...I feel we are gettin warmer...

Unknown said...

Wow! I had no idea this would spark such interest...

My dearest anonymous, thank you for stalking my blog so faithfully. I am sorry to break it to you, but you are not needed here anymore. If you have something to say, grow up, have some guts and say it to me. For whatever reason this anonymous poster has chosen a most inappropriate way of dealing with their issues. It is a sad state when you think your criticism equals your Christianity. Bottom line: you don't get it. Your comments prove this. The comments here show you have no grasp on reality. If you need to address me you know how to reach me. I am guessing, though, that an anonymous blogger doesn't have the guts to. But please go stalk someone or something else.